China's Commercial Spirit Has Not Been Lost

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Tradition’s Legacy
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That’s much better than what we can learn from Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, or Morgan Stanley...

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<p>I'll tell you a story: When I worked for Shanghai International Securities, we tried to learn how the international capital markets operate. We still can find some old executives who worked for the Shanghai Stock Exchange before 1949. The new Shanghai Stock Exchange is set up at the same location and under the same rule as before 1949. I don&rsquo;t think that in Russia, after 70 years, these people could still have survived. We are lucky. I met these people and they taught me how to trade and they are in their 60s. That&rsquo;s much better than what we can learn from Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, or Morgan Stanley, because they are Chinese and they have operated in this country before. So, we can learn all the rules, but this is one story. What I mean, is that the commercial spirit of this country has not been lost after 30, 40 years, after 1949.</p>
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David Zhewei talks about his experience at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and learning from pre-Mao era capitalists.