<p><strong>Shaun Rein</strong> is the managing director of the China Market Research Group (CMR), the world's leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. Before CMR, he was the chief of research for venture capital firm Inter-Asia Venture Management. He also was the managing director and China country head for e-learning software company WebCT, where he also ran the company's Taiwan and South Korean operations. He also served as the assistant director of the Centre for East Asian Research at McGill University.</p>
<p>Rein is a columnist for <em>BusinessWeek</em>'s Asia Insight column and is regularly featured in varied publications including <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, the <em>Harvard Business Review</em>, <em>The Economist</em>, and <em>The New York Times</em>. He is regularly interviewed by American Public Radio's Marketplace and NPR. He frequently delivers commentary on Bloomberg TV and CNN International TV. He earned his graduate degree from Harvard University focused on China's economy and received a BA with Honours from McGill University.</p>
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Managing Director, China Market Research Group