I think Chinese society is still not too dissimilar to what Sun Yat-sen called just 'sand'.
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<p>But, at the same time, I think it's still maybe too early to tell what they actually have lost. The chapter is not closed yet. For instance, taking the example of Confucianism: Do they really believe in that? Do they still pretend to believe in that? How does it fit into that stale orthodoxy of communism, a credo? I think they still have yet to reach the consensus. I remember I had a very good conversation with Zhang Ruimin, the CEO and chairman of Haier Corporation, when I wrote a book about East Asian maritime civilization and I think Haier is one of the most symbolic enterprises for China to explore their maritime identity. Haier, its name itself is "sea." And he told me, this is one of the most international companies, Chinese company, very dynamic company, home appliances company. And he told me that one of the most difficult tasks for a CEO in that big Chinese company is how to actually teach ethics to the employees, what kind of ethics, or belief system, they should share. And Confucianism is the only thing he can think of. But, yet, it's so difficult for the Chinese employees to share that mutual belief and trust in the company, the company's future. So, basically, I think Chinese society is still not too dissimilar to what Sun Yat-sen called just sand, individual, atomic sands; not a cohesive thing. So, I think that globalization, this Chinese boom, still is very much [at a] precarious part.</p>
Yoichi Funabashi seeks to characterize Chinese society and points to Confucianism as a unifying force.